Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Edward, Susanna, and Malone

Edward certainly has gone through a lot of changes. At first, he was selfish and uninterested in the world around him. Even though he had someone who loved him very much (Abilene), he ignored her affection and cared more about his clothes and his hats. From down in the mud at the bottom of the sea to being buried in a heap of trash to riding high on the shoulder of the fisherman and traveling with a hobo, Edward has been through quite a journey so far. Through it all, he has become a much different bunny from when we first got to know him in the safe and warm home of Abilene.

What change in Edward do you like the most, and what makes you feel this way? List your thoughts and comments below!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Edward thinks the crow is Pellegrina! I thought that too! The twists and turns keep me thinking and talking about the book all the time.
